General Practitioner Services
At the Hastings clinic we have 7 consulting room facilities for the Nursing staff and the Independent GP's consulting from The Hastings Clinic rooms.
A spacious 2 bed Treatment Room facility aids the Nursing Staff to perform dressing and wound care, immunisations, minor surgery with the Practitioners.
The Clinic also welcomes GP Registrars in training to the Practice and we pride ourselves in providing a supportive and encouraging environment for growth and development.
To apply to be a General Practitioner or Registrar we would love to hear from you. Please call 03 5979 1605 and discuss positions available with the Practice Manager- Nicola Sandiford.

The Practitioners perform the following services.​​
Aged care
Antenatal care
Child health and immunisations
Chronic disease management
Diabetic Care
Family Planning
Health assessments
Lung Function Testing
Iron Infusions
Mental Health
Women and Men’s health Care
Vaccinations and travel medicine
Minor surgery
Mole checking and skin cancer management
Preventative health